EnigmA Amiga Run 1996 March
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 05 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-03][Skylink CD IV].iso
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Text File
696 lines
; Installer script for Paston AmiTCP
; Show welcome message
(set DOSTYPE (/ (getversion) 65536))
(NOT (>= DOSTYPE 37))
(abort "AmiTCP 3b requires AmigaDOS 2.04 or higher."
" If you have an earlier version of AmigaDOS you must purchase an upgrade before using Opus 5.")
(set @default-dest
(prompt "OK, Where do you want to install AmiTCP ?")
(help " The location on your hard drive\n "
" where you want to install your\n "
" copy of AmiTCP 3b to use via\n "
" Paston Chase Internet Service.\n "
" Drive:AmiTCP is recommended.")
(default "Work:AmiTCP")
(makedir @default-dest(infos))
(set @user-name
(prompt " OK, What is your username?")
(help " This is your user name as\n "
" Agreed with Paston Chase.\n"
" ie. jbloggs .")
(default "")
(set @real-name
(prompt "OK, What is your realname?")
(help " This should be straight forward\n"
" Your real name.\n"
" ie. fred bloggs.")
(default "")
(set my-editor
(prompt "OK, What editor do you want to use?\n"
" Suggest C:Ed ")
(help " This should be straight forward\n"
" Your choice of text editor.\n"
(default "C:Edi")
(set @GRn-savedir
(prompt "OK, Where do want to save your news item's?")
(help "This is where when you are reading thought\n"
" news item and you want to save one for a\n"
"latter date to re-read, edit or print .\n"
" ie.DH0:Misc")
(default "DH0:Misc")
(set @password
(prompt "OK, What is your password?")
(help " This is your password as\n "
" Agreed with Paston Chase.")
(default "")
(set @ip-no
(prompt "OK, What is your IP number?")
(help " This is the slip no given\n"
" to your by Paston Chase.")
(default "")
(set baudrate
(prompt "Enter desired baud rate\n"
"e.g: 57600, 38400, 19200, or 9600\n")
(help " The baud rate selected here is the speed at which your "
"computer will be communicating with the modem, referred to "
"by most modem manuals as the 'DTE Speed'.\n" )
(default 19200)
(makedir "Sys:devs/Networks")
(makedir "sys:prefs/env-archive/sana2")
HDbin (tackon @default-dest "bin")
(makedir HDbin)
HDdb (tackon @default-dest "db")
(makedir HDdb)
HDserv (tackon @default-dest "serv")
(makedir HDserv)
HDdevs (tackon @default-dest "devs")
(makedir HDdevs)
HDdocs (tackon @default-dest "docs")
(makedir HDdocs)
HDl (tackon @default-dest "l")
(makedir HDl)
HDlibs (tackon @default-dest "libs")
(makedir HDlibs)
HDusr (tackon @default-dest "usr")
(makedir HDusr)
HDusrlib (tackon HDusr "lib")
(makedir HDusrlib)
HDusrlibElm (tackon HDusrlib ".elm")
(makedir HDusrlibElm)
HDmail (tackon HDusr "mail")
(makedir HDmail)
HDnews (tackon HDusr "news")
(makedir HDnews)
HDspool (tackon HDusr "spool")
(makedir HDspool)
HDuser-name (tackon HDusr @user-name)
(makedir HDuser-name)
HDsnews (tackon HDspool "news")
(makedir HDsnews)
(set file (tackon HDusrlib "Aliases"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
"# Following alias is required by the new mail protocol, RFC 822\n"
"postmaster: " @user-name "\n"
"\n# Aliases to handle mail to msgs and news\n\n\n"
"# System\n"
"manager: " @user-name "\n"
"operator: " @user-name "\n"
"staff: " @user-name "\n"
"nobody: " @user-name "\n"
"root: " @user-name "\n"
"uucp: " @user-name "\n"
"daemon: " @user-name "\n"
"lp: " @user-name "\n"
"decode: | AmiTCP:bin/uudecode \n\n"
"User \n\n"
"# End of file\n"
(set file (tackon HDbin "Link"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
"/* VARIABLES - Modify these for your setup */\n"
"myip = \"" @ip-no"\" /* My IP number */\n"
"mydev = \"devs:networks/gwcslip.device\" /* Slip Device being used */\n"
"mydevu = \"0\" /* Unit Number */\n"
"myif = \"cslip\"||mydevu /* Interface name (amitcp 3.0) */\n"
"myhost = \"\" /* Gate */\n"
"rcmd = \"AmiTCP:Bin/route\"\n"
"ifcmd = \"AmiTCP:Bin/ifconfig\"\n\n"
"/* THE SCRIPT */\n\n"
"address command\narg which \n\n"
"if which=\"\" then say \"No command specified - try UP or DOWN\"\n"
"if which~=\"UP\" & which~=\"DOWN\" then say \"Invalid command \'\" || which || \"\' - try UP or DOWN\"\n"
"else if which=\"UP\" then do\n"
" ifcmd myif myip myhost \"netmask\"\n"
" \"AmiTCP:Bin/online\" mydev mydevu\n"
" rcmd \"add default\" myhost\n"
" \"AmiTCP:Bin/mailkick handletos logsends\"\n"
" \"run AmiTCP:bin/AmiPOP-AmiTCP.000 Username="@user-name" Password="@password" POPHost= MailBox=UUMail:chapman Append Delete WinX=0 WinY=115 Immediate\"\n"
" \"run AmiTCP:bin/sendnews\"\n"
"else if which=\"DOWN\" then do\n"
" \"AmiTCP:Bin/mailkick quit\"\n"
" ifcmd myif \"down\"\n"
" \"AmiTCP:Bin/offline\" mydev mydevu\n"
" rcmd \"delete\" myhost\n"
" rcmd \"delete default\"\n"
(set file (tackon HDdb "DialScript"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
"echo on\n"
"# Dialer Script (change to echo off if you don't want echoing)\n"
"abort \"BUSY\" \"NO DIAL TONE\" \"NO CARRIER\" \"NO ANSWER\"\n"
"timeout 100\n"
"# Initialise modem...\n"
"send \"ATZ\"\n"
"wait \"OK\"\n"
"# Setup retries\n"
"retry 20\ndelay 15\n"
"# Send dial command...\n"
"send ATDT01603453303\n"
"# ... and wait for connection.\n"
"timeout 1000\n"
"# At 'login:' prompt send nodename\n"
"wait \"ogin:\"\n"
"send \"" @user-name "\"\n"
"delay 30\n"
"timeout 1500\n"
"# At 'Password:' prompt send our password\n"
"wait \"assword:\"\n"
"send \"" @password "\"\n"
"delay 30\n"
"# Allow time for 'Protocol:' prompt and then send 'SLIP'\n"
"# Wait for SLIP start string\n"
"timeout 1500\n"
"# Connected!\n"
(set file (tackon HDbin "StartNet"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
";\n;; Ensure we have assigns and env settings\n\;\n"
"assign AmiTCP: " @default-dest"\n"
"path >NIL: AmiTCP:bin remove\n"
"path AmiTCP:bin add\n"
"assign INet: AmiTCP:\n"
"assign usr: AmiTCP:usr\n"
"assign uumail: usr:mail\n"
"assign uulib: usr:lib\n"
"assign uuspool: usr:spool\n"
"assign uunews: usr:news\n"
"assign etc: AmiTCP:db\n"
"; Environment variables (You _CAN_ change these :)\n"
"setenv HOME usr\n"
"setenv HOST paston.co.uk\n"
"setenv HOSTNAME localhost\n"
"setenv NNTPSERVER news.paston.co.uk\n"
"setenv ORGANIZATION Private\n"
"setenv PN-LOGFILE uuspool:postnewslogfile\n"
"setenv PN-NNTPPOST AmiTCP:bin/nntppost\n"
"setenv PN-SCRIPTFILE T:postnewsscript\n"
"setenv PN-SEQFILE uuspool:news/seq\n"
"setenv PN-SPOOLDIR uuspool:news\n"
"setenv REALNAME "@real-name"\n"
"setenv USER "@user-name"\n"
"setenv USERNAME "@user-name"\n"
"setenv NODENAME paston.co.uk\n"
"setenv SENDMAIL AmiTCP:bin/sendmail\n"
"cd AmiTCP:bin\n"
"run >NIL: AmiTCP:AmiTCP\n"
"wait 1\n"
";\n;; Configure local interface\n;\n"
"amitcp:bin/ifconfig lo0 localhost\n"
"amitcp:bin/route >NIL: add " @ip-no " localhost\n"
";\n;; Mount the TCP: device\n;\n"
"assign >NIL: TCP: exists\n"
"if WARN\n"
" mount TCP: from AmiTCP:devs/INet-MountList\n"
";\n;; Start INetd (a kind of internet receptionist)\n"
"; inetd is required if you want to receive incoming 'calls'\n"
"; such as news, talks, ftp, etc.\n"
";\nrun >nil: inetd;\n"
";\n Set up alias\n"
";\nalias ftp ncftp []\n"
";\n;Set default user\n;\n"
"login -f " @user-name "\n"
(set file (tackon HDusrlib "Config"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
"UserName "@user-name "\n"
"RealName "@real-name "\n"
"HostName .paston.co.uk\n"
"Organization Private\n"
"TimeZone GMT\n"
"NNTPServer news.paston.co.uk\n"
"ReplyPrefix > \n"
"MailEditor " my-editor "\n"
"NewsEditor " my-editor "\n"
"RMail amitcp:bin/rmail\n"
"SendMail amitcp:bin/sendmail \n"
"MailFixedFont xen.font 9\n"
"MailPropFont xhelvetica.font 11\n"
(set file (tackon HDdb "passwd"))
(dest file)
(append (cat "root||0|0|" @real-name "|sys:|shell\n"))
(append (cat @user-name"||100|100|" @real-name"|usr:" @user-name"|shell\n"))
(set file (tackon HDuser-name ".Signature"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
@user-name "@paston.co.uk (Private)\n"
(set file (tackon HDusrlib ".Signature"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
@user-name "@paston.co.uk (Private)\n"
(set file (tackon HDdb "NetDB-MyHost"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
"; This host\n"
"HOST localhost\n"
"HOST " @ip-no " paston.co.uk\n"
"; Domain names\n"
"DOMAIN paston.co.uk\n"
"DOMAIN co.uk\n"
"DOMAIN uk\n"
"; Name servers\n"
"; EOF\n"
(set file (tackon HDdb "motd"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
"<< Welcome "@real-name" To Paston >>\n\n")
(set file (tackon HDusrlibElm "ELMRC"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
"# example .elm/elmrc \n"
"# (rename it to "<username>.elmrc" for multiple users) \n"
"AnswerReturnReceipt No \n"
"AnswerReturnView Yes \n"
"RequestReturnReceipt No \n"
"RequestReturnView No \n"
"ShowFullHeader No \n"
"ShowSignature Yes \n"
"PrefixString \"> \" \n"
"SentArchive uumail:" @user-name ".sent \n"
"ReceivedFolder uumail:" @user-name ".received \n"
"Fullname "@real-name "\n"
"AlwaysDelete Yes \n"
"AlwaysKeep Yes \n"
"Editor "my-editor "\n"
"SendmailVersion Feulner \n"
"ReplyIntroduction Hi $FIRSTNAME,\n"
"ForwardIntroduction On $DATE, $NAME wrote: \n"
"KeepBackup No \n"
"#Color 1000 2000 3000 4000 \n"
"#Color 0x45A 0xFFF 0xF00 0x88F \n"
"Color 3258 0 4095 2916 \n"
"Buffers 20000 \n"
"#StdFontName courier.font \n"
"#StdFontSize 13 \n"
"#PagerFontName courier.font \n"
"#PagerFontSize 13 \n"
"#StdFontName courier.font \n"
"#StdFontSize 13 \n"
"#PagerFontName topaz-classic.font \n"
"#PagerFontSize 11 \n"
"#Pager builtin \n"
"ReverseSorting YES \n"
"FilenameOffer Subject \n"
" \n"
"# Screen Parameters \n"
"# (should be large enough for 80x20 characters (with default font)) \n"
" \n"
"#UseOwnScreen Yes \n"
"#PubScreenName AmigaMapsElm \n"
"ShanghaiWindows No \n"
"#Screen-Width -1 \n"
"#Screen-Height -1 \n"
"# 'Yes' for interlaced screen \n"
"#Screen-Interlace Yes \n"
"# \n"
"Encrypt AmiTCP:bin/Encrypt $MSG $MODE \n"
"Decrypt Decrypt $MSG \n"
"CyyptMode pgp \n"
"# \n"
"# end of .elmrc \n"
(set file (tackon "sys:prefs/env-archive/sana2" "Slip0.Config"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
"# GWCSlip configuration\n"
"serial.device 0 "baudrate" " @ip-no " CD 7wire DialScript=AmiTCP:db/Dialscript MTU 576\n"
(set file (tackon HDbin "PrepNews"))
(delete file)
(dest file)
"if exists \"uuspool:NewsBatch\" \n"
"echo \"unbatching news ...\" \n"
"AmiTCP:bin/rnews \"uuspool:NewsBatch\" \n"
"echo \"deleting NewsBatch\" \n"
"delete \"uuspool:NewsBatch\" quiet \n"
"echo \"Triming old news\" \n"
"AmiTCP:bin/trimnews \n"
"else \n"
"echo \"Sorry, no news transferred\" \n"
"endif \n"
"SETENV GRNSaveDir "@GRN-SaveDir " \n"
"SETENV replyprefix \"> \" \n"
"run AmiTCP:bin/GRn height=240 top=10 left=30 wrap=83 \n"
(source "AmiTCP_1:lhex")
(dest "ram:")
(working "DeArchiving AmiTCP:serv files.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw ""\""HDserv"\"" " x AmiTCP_1:serv.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(working "DeArchiving AmiTCP files.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw ""\""@default-dest"\"" " x AmiTCP_1:AmiTCP_Prog.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(working "DeArchiving Sys:Fonts Extra files.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw sys:Fonts x AmiTCP_1:Fonts.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(working "DeArchiving Sys:Libs Extra files.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw sys:libs x AmiTCP_1:syslibs.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(working "DeArchiving Sys:Devs Extra file.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw Sys:devs/networks x AmiTCP_1:networks.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(working "DeArchiving AmiTCP:Libs and related files.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw ""\""HDLibs"\"" " x AmiTCP_1:Libs.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(prompt "Please insert the disk labeled \"AmiTCP_2\"" )
(help "AmiTCP_2 contains the rest of AmiTCP "
"that need to be installed onto your system." )
(dest "AmiTCP_2" )
(working "DeArchiving AmiTCP:bin files.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw ""\""HDbin"\"" " x AmiTCP_2:Bin.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(working "DeArchiving AmiTCP:db files.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw ""\""HDdb"\"" " x AmiTCP_2:Db.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(working "DeArchiving AmiTCP:devs files.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw ""\""HDdevs"\"" " x AmiTCP_2:Devs.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(working "DeArchiving AmiTCP:doc files.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw ""\""HDdocs"\"" " x AmiTCP_2:Doc.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(working "DeArchiving AmiTCP:L files.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw ""\""HDl"\"" " x AmiTCP_2:L.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(working "DeArchiving AmiTCP:UsrLib files.")
(dest "RAM:install_cmd")
"ram:lhex >NIL: <NIL: -qfw ""\""HDusrlib"\"" " x AmiTCP_2:usrlib.lha \n"
(execute "RAM:install_cmd")
(protect (tackon HDbin "StartNet") "+s")
(protect (tackon HDbin "Link") "+s")
(protect (tackon HDbin "NNTPTransfer") "+s")
(protect (tackon HDbin "NetStat") "+s")
(protect (tackon HDbin "Telnet") "+s")
(protect (tackon HDbin "StopNet") "+s")
(protect (tackon HDbin "SynClock") "+s")
(protect (tackon HDbin "TalkRequest.rx") "+s")
(protect (tackon HDbin "PrepNews") "+s")
(protect (tackon HDbin "Newsq") "+s")
(startup "AmiTCP 3b"
"The following instructions will added to your "
"\"S:User-Startup\" so that your system will be properly "
"configured to use AmiTCP.\n\n"
"ASSIGN AmiTCP: \"" @default-dest "\"\n"
"You must REBOOT before using this package"
(help "This will add commands to your S:user-startup file to "
"allow the correct operation of AmiTCP 3b")
(command "ASSIGN AmiTCP: \"" @default-dest "\"\n")